Other sea users

Shipping and fishing

Find out more about the opportunities arising from the construction of offshore wind farms as well as about the rules of navigating and fishing in their vicinity. We were the first in Poland to engage in dialogue with fishing communities already at early stage of our investments, meeting with their representatives in Darlowo, Leba and Ustka. Although it is possible to carry out fishing activities near wind farms, the areas of our offshore power plants are of limited importance to Polish fisheries.

Shipping within the area of offshore wind farms

About 100-meter safety zones will be created around the farms on the Baltic Sea, and passage between them will be allowed through 1.5 - 3-kilometer corridors. Temporary restrictions on shipping and fishing may occur during the construction phase.

Internal and export cables

Cables transmitting electricity will be laid in such a way as to guarantee the safety of vessels. Only fishing gears that disturb the seabed may be banned in their vicinity.

Development of underwater ecosystems

Underwater structures can contribute to the development of local biodiversity. The foundations of offshore windmills become an artificial reef on which underwater ecosystems develop, allowing fish populations to grow.

We focus on open dialogue

We conduct an open dialogue

The potential of the Baltic Sea is our shared responsibility. We transparently share information and maintain an open dialogue with stakeholders and administration as part of our "Promotion and Information Center" Flagship Program. We present the environmental impact of offshore wind farms and the results of ongoing studies (including the Environmental Decision). We talk to learn about doubts and expectations as well as to develop common solutions.

environmental impact assessment report


We are in open dialogue with fishermen and the local maritime community, holding regular information meetings where we exchange information on planned investments, their timetable and potential impact on fishing activities. We are working together on a temporary compensation system to support fishermen engaged in fishing and recreational activities in the area of fishing squares L5, L6, L7, L8, M7, M8, N7, N8 – in the run-up to the introduction of systemic legal solutions at the national level. We are having a discussion to learn about concerns and expectations and develop common solutions. The fishing community is invited to fill out a survey, which is available below.

Survey for fishermen and anglers GDPR Information Clause

Sector Deal

We are signatories to the Sector Deal, i.e. Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal. We actively participate in works aiming at eliminating barriers as well as creating mechanisms and solutions to support the development of this sector in Poland. We participate in works carried out by the working group "Stakeholder cooperation” taking care of synergies of offshore wind farms with other forms of marine space use.

Sector deal

Offshore wind farms offer new opportunities to coastal tourism

New residents and employees icon

New residents and employees

The investment will attract new employees and residents to Leba and the surrounding area, which will increase demand for goods and services even off-season.

 No impact on the landscape icon

No impact on the landscape

Our wind farms will be located between 22 and 81 kilometers from the shore and will have very little impact on the coastal landscape as well as flora and fauna.

Chance for a new branch of coastal tourism icon

Chance for a new branch of coastal tourism

Maritime investments could be another reason for tourists to come to the Baltic Sea. In many countries, cruises to wind farms are becoming a tourist attraction.

Works carried out in the least disruptive manner possible icon

Works carried out in the least disruptive manner possible

Increased boat traffic may occur during the construction phase, and some areas may be temporarily excluded from traffic during the process of laying the transmission cable, but we will schedule works so that it is as little inconvenient as possible for residents and tourists.

Tourist attractions at sea farms in Europe


ico United Kingdom, North Sea

Fishing cruises near the turbines at Lynn and Inner Dowsing farm.


ico Belgium, North Sea

Tourist boat trips to the Rampion farm.


ico Denmark, Baltic Sea

Possibility to go on a gondola turbine on the Middelgrunden farm.

Safety first

Good communication is the key. We implement workshops and organize meetings, sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences with organizations having an impact on territorial protection and safety on Polish part of Baltic Sea.

We cooperate with entities responsible for safety and rescue at sea. We conduct simulations of emergency situations with participation of public administration units, representatives of the military and rescue services.

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