Terms of Use

Welcome to the website of www.baltyk123.pl. By using this website you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read the information below carefully. If you do not accept the terms and conditions described below, please do not use this website.

1. Introduction

Terms of Use set out the rules of use of the www.baltyk123.pl website (hereinafter: the Website) and is addressed to all users. By using the Website, you, as a user, agree to be bound by these rules.

2. Website ownership

The owner of the Website is:

  1. MFW Bałtyk I S.A. (KRS 0000335266, NIP 586-224-37-43) with its registered office in Warsaw, 00-526, 24/26 Krucza St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
  2. MFW Bałtyk II Sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000392944, NIP 701-03-07-637) with its registered office in Warsaw, 00-526, 24/26 Krucza St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register
  3. MFW Bałtyk III Sp. z o.o. (KRS 0000391871, NIP 701-03-07-376) with its registered office in Warsaw, 00-526, 24/26 Krucza St., entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register

Feel free to contact us: info@baltyk123.pl

MFW Bałtyk I S.A., MFW Bałtyk II Sp. z o.o., MFW Bałtyk III Sp. z o.o. (hereinafter: the Investor) manages and administers the Website in the territory of the Republic of Poland. The Investor does not guarantee that the information provided through the Website and all its functionalities are available in other locations.

Use of the Website is subject to the Polish law. All matters related, among others, to your access, downloading, and use of materials from the Website are governed by the relevant legal regulations in force in the Republic of Poland. By using the Website, you agree that the laws of Poland will apply to resolve any issues relating to the Website.

3. Scope

The Terms of Use (hereinafter: Terms) is a superior document among other, more detailed policies or regulations posted on the Website. Notwithstanding other provisions, the Terms, also in individual cases, govern the detailed conditions of all elements of the Website – in particular, the regulations of contact forms ("Register in the Supplier Database" and "Submit a grievance"). In each of these regulations, the specific conditions will vary depending on the needs of the form, but they will still be consistent with the Terms.

Performing all activities on the Website implies acceptance without reservation of each of the principles contained in this Terms: entering the Website, sending requests for information, providing data, sending CVs by filling out a form, contacting via e-mail to the addresses provided on the Website or by traditional mail to the indicated address of the Company.

The purpose of the Website is to provide its users with as complete, accurate, and up-to-date information as possible.

The content of the Website is for informational purposes only and cannot be considered as recommendations, nor can it be treated as a form of advice. The information posted on the Website does not constitute an offer to provide services or an offer to sell any products by the Investor.

4. Rules of conduct and communication

In order to ensure communication between you and the Investor, traditional and electronic address has been provided in the Contact Tab. The forwarding of correspondence constitutes consent to the use of the provided e-mail address as a means of exchanging information between the Company and the User.

In some sections of the Website to complete the contact form ("Register in the Supplier Database" and "Submit a grievance") you will be notified to provide data enabling a response depending on a preferred form of contact. The data provided must be true, up-to-date, and complete. A detailed description of how the Investor processes and stores personal data can be found in section 6 of the Terms and the Privacy Policy.

By uploading data or materials to our Website, in particular via forms or e-mail, you confirm that the material will not contain any illegal content. You undertake to maintain mutual respect in your communication. The Investor may incorporate such material or the concepts contained therein into its products without obligation or liability. You will not take any action against the Investor in relation to the material submitted and you release the Investor from liability in the event that a third party takes action against us in connection with the material submitted by you.

5. Safety

The Investor tests the security of the Website on an ongoing basis and takes actions to strengthen the security of all information provided via contact forms or e-mail addresses provided on the Website. Notwithstanding this, you acknowledge that the transmission of any information via the Internet may involve risks arising from the nature of the virtual world. Despite the due diligence applied, the Investor does not guarantee that the Website does not contain errors or viruses. You should take precautions yourself in the form of a firewall or an up-to-date antivirus program to protect the device you are using.

6. Privacy and personal data

Your personal data will be collected, processed, and stored in accordance with applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.

The User agrees to the processing of his/her personal data for the purpose of providing the services of the Website and for statistical purposes. The collection and processing of personal data will comply with the provisions on the protection of personal data, as well as with the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Website.

7. Availability

We strive to ensure the accessibility of our Website in accordance with WCAG 2.1 guidelines. The purpose is to enable all users to use the content of the Website regardless of any disabilities. When creating the Website, we were guided by 4 principles, in accordance with the structure recommended under WCAG 2.1, i.e. permeability, functionality, and intelligibility.

As part of the viewability, our Website is available on any device, including computer, tablet, and smartphone, it is responsive, i.e. it automatically adapts to the size of the screen of your device, allowing you to enlarge the view of the Website. The Website has a logical content structure in the form of menus, headings, and lists. As part of the functionality, the Website allows, among others to operate each tab using the keyboard itself, there is no flashing content, link titles clearly indicate where you will be redirected, and headers clearly describe the content and labels to facilitate the correct completion of forms. In terms of intelligibility, all content on the Website is presented in plain language, and in the case of using specialized phrases or acronyms, each of them is explained in a simple way, facilitating the understanding of the content. The appearance and behavior of all page tabs are consistent. The site also meets the robustness criterion thanks to valid codes compliant with the HTML web standard.

If you encounter difficulties accessing the content of the Website or have suggestions for improving its accessibility, please contact our team using the details provided in the Contact Us tab.

8. Access to other websites

The Website may contain links to other websites or resources operated by entities other than the Investor. If you click on the links, you will be redirected to another website. Hyperlinks to external websites are intended only to facilitate access to additional information. We are not responsible for the operation and content of these external websites, or for the privacy policies or practices applied to them, and this responsibility rests with the organization that owns each site.

By leaving the Website administered by the Investor, you are solely responsible for the extent to which you will provide your data and use external websites.

9. Copyright and Intellectual Property

Multimedia elements and text data on the Website, such as texts, graphics, logos, photographs, and video files, are subject to national and international copyright and intellectual laws and are owned by the Website or the rights to their ownership have been acquired by the Investor by third parties with whom the Investor cooperates. All trademarks and logos used on this Website are the trademarks of their respective owners. These marks should not be interpreted as granting any license or right to use them without the prior consent of the Investor or other entity owning the mark. The content of the Website may not be copied, distributed, or modified without the consent of the Investor as the owner of the copyright or industrial property rights.

If you wish to use the content on the Website in any way, you should obtain written permission from the copyright owner of such content. By using the Website, you undertake to comply with the intellectual property laws in force in Poland and in the European Union.

10. Disclaimer

The information contained on the Website has been compiled and prepared by the Investor in good faith and on the basis of sources considered to be reliable. Under no circumstances shall employees or advisers be liable for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information contained on the Website or on other websites accessible through the Website. The information, documents, products, or services described on the Website may be presented or made available in abridged form, may be incomplete, or may be out of date. The Investor does not guarantee the availability of the Website on a continuous basis and is not responsible for computer system errors, malware, or communication via e-mail. We will make every effort, in accordance with good website practices, to present the content on the Website correctly and as up-to-date as possible. This information is for a general discernment of the matter of interest and may change as progress is made with respect to the specific facts to which it relates. Due to threats integral to the functioning of the virtual world / Internet, inaccuracies or delays may appear in the information presented on the Website. The Investor does not make representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, credibility, or completeness of the content – texts, graphics, links, or other elements that are part of the Website.

11. Modification of the Terms

The Investor reserves the right to make changes to the Terms at any time. Updates will be posted on the Website. Your continued use of the Website after the changes to the Terms signifies acceptance of the new rules.

12. Contact

In case of questions, concerns, or other reports regarding the Terms, the User may contact the administrator of the Website via the contact details provided on the Website.

This Terms has been adopted in accordance with the practices of EU member states and aims to provide a fair and safe environment for users of the Website. By using the Website you accept its rules and undertake to comply with them.

Thank you for visiting our Website. If you have any questions, please contact us using the details available in the Contact section.

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