Grievance Mechanism

What is the grievance mechanism

The Grievance Mechanism is a process for assessing and resolving complaints from stakeholders if negative impacts of Projects' activities have occurred.

Any local stakeholder who is negatively affected by the Projects can lodge a grievance.

Submit a grievance

What can be the subject of a grievance?

Complaints and grievances may relate to damages, injuries or concerns related to Projects' activities or observed incidents or violations.

Submit a grievance

Grievance process

Grievance 01

You can submit your grievance in several ways:

  • on-line - via website
  • to the Company's address (MFW Baltyk 1, 2 or 3)
  • to e-mail (
  • in the box in the Office of the Commune of Ustka or Słupsk
  • our Local Information Point in Leba.

Registration 02

The investor will confirm receipt of the application.

Process 03

The handling process varies depending on the type of complaint, the initial assessment and the complexity of the case.

Result 04

The investor will respond within 25 working days from the date of receiving the grievance.

Follow-up 05

The investor shall implement the necessary mitigation measures included in the response.

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