We unlock business potential

How do we support the potential of Polish companies

Since the beginning of our Projects' development, we have been using the Polish supply chain market. In the initial phase of development of the Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farm, i.e. 2014-2021, the involvement of Polish companies was 75%. We have an ambition to reach a level of about 23-38% participation of Polish companies in the entire project cycle.


Percentage of Polish companies

Construction phase

10-20 %

Operation phase

60-80 %

Project cycle

23-38 %

Knowledge transfer and active support of Polish companies

Transparency icon


We provide transparent access to information and enable dialogue with key global suppliers. We organize information meetings and support Polish companies in their promotion on foreign markets.

Competence development icon

Competence development

We are committed to building a system of education and competence development for future offshore wind energy workers. Among others, we cooperate with the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Shipbuilding at the Gdansk University of Technology and the Pomeranian Center of Competence for Offshore Renewable Energy.

Innovation development icon

Innovation development

We support the development of Polish innovations and create opportunities for their use in Polish wind farms. We animate cooperation with research centers and startups.

Supportive administration icon

Supportive administration

We participate in the establishment of a strong and competent administration to manage and regulate the development of the maritime and offshore industry.

5 Flagship Programs icon

5 Flagship Programs

We have created five open Flagship Programs to develop the Polish supply chain throughout the life of the OWF projects. We want to involve as many Polish stakeholders as possible in wind projects in the Baltic Sea.

"Developing a method for crossing the shoreline in 2021 required our engineers to develop new methods of operation. We look forward to further opportunities to collaborate on offshore wind farms."

Jacek Janicki, Owner in Janicki

"In 2022, we developed the Front-END Engineering Design (FEED) for the Baltic 2 and 3 task. Our experience and the professional approach of our Equinor and Polenergia colleagues allowed us to meet high work standards and further develop the contract."

Tomasz Walczak, Deputy Director of the Design Department at ENPROM

"In 2022, we engaged in work on the Bałtyk 2 & 3 offshore wind farms. This is a promising industry. Our services are also attracting interest from foreign entities."

Dariusz Wojciech Czajka, President of the Board Squadron Sp.z o.o.

"We began cooperation on the Baltyk projects in 2013. Participation in these projects allowed us to reach new levels."

Lucjan Gajewski, Vicepresident of the Board MEWO S.A.

"In 2022, we built the Fairplay-37 multipurpose tugboat in Poland. We used it in the survey campaign for the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm and intend to employ it in more projects."

Arkadiusz Ryż, Offshore Wind Project Manager, Fairplay Towage

"Through our involvement in the Bałtyk projects, we have gained valuable competence and experience. This is a very promising industry for us."

Mateusz Samulak, President of the Board PROJMORS
Supplier's Day, January 2023

What companies are we looking for

Polish entities can actively participate in offshore wind energy projects. Check in which areas your company can cooperate on offshore projects.

Development phase

  • preparation of documentation
  • obtaining permits
  • legal, financial and other administrative services
  • environmental studies
  • engineering works and expert opinions
  • design services

Construction phase

  • wind turbine contract package, which includes structural components such as generator base, main shaft components or subassemblies, hub castings and tower
  • cables
  • substations
  • installation and assembly contracts

Operation phase

  • construction of an operation and maintenance base at the port
  • the entire operation, service and maintenance during operation phase

Decommissioning phase

  • range of services to support the safe removal of wind farm infrastructure at the end of its operation, including the assessment of the technical condition of turbines and other farm components and the safe and efficient way to disassemble them
  • coordination of activities using specialized equipment at sea

Polish companies in the supply chain

environmental studies Mewo logo Mewo

Main contractor for a comprehensive marine environmental research program for the entire Baltyk portfolio

engineering design Enprom logo Enprom

Engineering design of onshore transmission cables for Bałtyk 2 & 3

wind measurement campaign Fairplay Towage logo Fairplay Towage

Transportation of equipment at sea as part of the wind measurement campaign for the Baltyk 1 offshore wind farm

Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal

By 2040, offshore wind farms with a capacity of up to 18 GW will be built. In order to make optimal use of the potential of Polish entrepreneurs, we are participating in the Sector Agreement for the Development of Offshore Wind Energy in Poland (Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal).

Under the Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal, we actively participate in cooperation in the development of offshore wind energy in Poland. We support the emergence of a new branch of the Polish economy. We eliminate barriers and create mechanisms to increase the participation of domestic entrepreneurs in the supply chain for offshore wind farms.

Learn more

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