Green (r)evolution of Poland

Projects that are changing Poland

Our three 3 GW projects are a part of Poland's ongoing energy transition. Our wind farms will produce enough energy to power more than 4 million households, reducing emissions of harmful substances and thus benefiting the environment.

The total potential of the Polish Baltic Sea area is as much as 33 GW. If utilized, offshore wind power could meet up to 60% of Poland's total electricity demand. We are developing innovations in this area under our Flagship Program "Center for Maritime Innovation." 8 out of 10 Polish residents support the development of offshore wind farms in Poland.

How much electricity demand will be covered by offshore wind farms?

2030 year
2040 year
2050 year

Industrial Revolution took more than 200 years,
Digital Revolution 30.
Energy (R)evolution has already begun

Wieża Eiffla

One turbine will generate energy to power 18,000 Polish homes a year

Wieża Eiffla

One turn of the turbine equals energy for a Polish house for 4 days

Wieża Eiffla

10 min operation of one turbine covers annual demand of a Polish household

Environmental and Social

Increasing the share of green energy in our energy mix will better protect the environment, reduce smog as well as meet global and EU climate goals.

  • cleaner air  
  • new source of renewable energy


Offshore wind farms are one of the main pillars of Poland's energy strategy and they will increase our country's energy independence.

  • strengthening country's energy security
  • new capacities in the energy system

Sustainable way to implement investments

We implement our projects in accordance with international best environmental practices, and therefore we have conducted comprehensive environmental studies.

  • measures to minimize the impact of the investment on the environment at each stage
  • protection of unique aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems
  • trenchless method of cable routing in environmentally valuable areas
  • bubble technology to reduce underwater noise during installation of turbine foundations
  • migration corridors for birds

The UN goals we pursue

4 Quality
5 Gender
7 Affordable and
clean energy
8 Decent work and
economic growth
11 Sustainable cities
and communities
14 Life
below water
13 Climate
17 Partnerships
for the goals

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