Sea of innovation

Innovation in offshore wind energy

Offshore wind energy will become one of the pillars of the global energy transition in the coming decades. Offshore wind industry is constantly looking for innovative solutions related to, among other things, cost optimization, better integration with the power system or new areas of development. The development of new technologies in this area is dedicated to our Flagship Program "Marine Innovation Center".

The innovations we are looking for

Reduction in the cost of generating electricity by a power plant over its lifetime

  • innovations in substructure
  • improvements in the design and manufacture of jackets or floating foundations
  • series production of technologically standardized foundations for offshore wind power generation
  • series production of monopiles that can be used for wind turbines with a capacity of more than 14 MW
  • improvement of the design, prefabrication, transportation and welding process

Limitations of resource uncertainty and wind forecasting

  • more accurate and precise forecasting of wind power and energy production
  • predicting optimal service conditions

Extension of effective operating time

  • operation, service and maintenance technologies
  • technologies that minimize operating costs and risks
  • unmanned devices


  • environmental monitoring technologies
  • technologies for managing activities that minimize environmental impacts
  • zero-carbon emissions, taking into account the concept of so-called sectoral pooling

Grid and systems integration

  • facilitation of communication between wind power plants and system operators
  • advanced technologies for communication with the transmission grid operator PSE
  • efficient, safe and cheaper transfer of wind energy from production sites to generation balancing sites
Flagship Program no. 4

Marine Innovation Center

The program aims to support the development of domestic innovation, technology and services.

Discover Flagship Programs

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