Information meetings for fishermen in connection with the construction of offshore wind farms Bałtyk 2 and 3
As a part of the development of the Bałtyk 2 and 3 offshore wind farms Equinor and Polenergia invite commercial and recreational fishermen to participate in information meetings. The meetings are intended for the fishing community operating in the area of fishing areas: L5, L6, L7, L8, M7, M8, N7, N8 and they are an important part of the dialogue with the local community that has been carried out since the first stages of the investment.

During the meetings, attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about offshore wind farms, planned activities in the Baltic Sea, and the project's schedule. It will also be the right place to discuss the potential impact on fishing activities, as well as the prospects for cooperation between the fishing industry and offshore wind farms. Additionally, during the meetings will be presented the methodological framework for the temporary compensation system, which provides support mechanisms for fishermen operating in designated areas until national-level solutions are implemented. The scheduled meetings will also be an opportunity to share experiences, raise questions and work out the best possible solutions together.
The meetings will take place in six coastal towns and cities and will begin on 17th March with a meeting in Kołobrzeg. The next ones are scheduled for: 18th March in Darłowo and Jarosławiec, 19th March in Ustka, 20th March in Łeba and 21st March in Władysławowo.
In addition, a voluntary survey has been prepared for fishermen and anglers regarding their fishing and angling activities. The survey aims to better understand their current situation, especially in light of the offshore wind farm projects being developed in the Baltic Sea. The survey is available at: Survey for fishermen and anglers and can be completed until 30th of March, 2025.
Equinor and Polenergia put great importance on open dialogue and cooperation with local communities. In addition to meetings with fishermen, the companies hold quarterly information meetings for the Pomeranian region to discuss how offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea will affect the nearest neighborhood. The development of the investment is also an impulse for the local economy, which will to higher demand for services and products provided by regional companies, and thus new career opportunities for specialists in various industries.
Detailed schedule of meetings: