Announcement on the intention to conduct a dialogue
MFW Bałtyk II sp. z o.o. and MFW Bałtyk III sp. z o.o. hereby announce their intention to conduct a dialogue with potential suppliers of materials and services for their respective offshore wind farm projects under development (respectively - MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III, hereinafter referred to as the "Projects"), pursuant to Article 46 of the Act of 17 December 2020 on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms ("Dialogue").
Detailed information about the Projects are presented in the Supply Chain Plans published on ERO website.
- Subject of the Dialogue
The MFW Baltyk II and MFW Bałtyk III Landfall HDD includes the construction of trenchless passages for 2 export cables for MFW Baltyk II and for 2 export cables for MFW Baltyk III. Each passage is between 1000 and 2000m long.
The Scope of Work includes the following main activities:
- HDD Drilling (4 confirmed, one optional)
- Land-based entry
- exit at sea (at an isobath altitude of 10 m).
- Solutions and systems for the capture of drilling mud.
- Temporary construction of a drilling site within a predefined construction area
- Delivery and installation of 710mm HDPE ducts after drilling.
- Providing the necessary support to marine vessels during drilling and installation of canals.
- Temporary protection of boreholes against cable retraction
- All temporary work related to the task
- Additional tasks resulting from obligations arising from permits of the authorities and ownership agreements.
- Dialogue Schedule
- Announcement of the intention to conduct the Dialogue ("Announcement") – 16.10.2023
- Completion of collection of applications for the Dialogue – 20.10.2023
- Qualification of suppliers' applications – up to 2 days after the end of collection of applications
- Dialogue with suppliers - within 3 days after completion of qualification of suppliers' applications
- Distribution of invitation to tender to selected participants of the Dialogue – 4Q23
- Award of contract – 1Q24
- Notification to the Dialogue
Applications must be submitted via the interactive Application Form.
Regulations of procedure for conducting the dialogue with potential suppliers of materials and services used in the course of construction and operation of an offshore wind farm together with a set of devices used to move power from this installation to the place of delimitation of ownership (“Regulations”) can be found here: Rules of procedure for conducting the dialogue.pdf
Any questions related to the Dialogue procedure, as well as questions which should be answered during Dialogue meeting, may be directed to:
Paweł Mawduk - Local Content Project Manager - pawel.mawduk@polenergia.pl
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