Equinor and Polenergia invite to the Harvest Festival in Swołowo
Once again, with the residents of the Słupsk region, we will celebrate the annual harvest festival. At our stand will be something for everyone: games and competitions that in an accessible way will distribute knowledge about offshore wind energy and our investments in the Baltic Sea.
The County and Commune Harvest Festival of the Redzikowo Commune and the Słupsk County will take place on September 7 (Saturday) in Swołowo at the Museum of Pomeranian Folk Culture, at Farm No. 15. It will be the largest harvest festival event in the region, during which we will celebrate together with the local communities the completion of the harvest season.
We invite adults, teenagers and children to our stand from 3:00 p.m. We will provide in an accessible and enjoyable way information about renewable energy sources, as well as about the opportunities and benefits of the development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea. We will welcome questions about our wind farm Bałtyk projects, and the preparatory work currently underway related to the onshore connection infrastructure for the Baltic 2 and 3 projects. Our specialists will answer your questions and clarify any doubts you may have.
We have also prepared a lot of attractions including "Forest Gardens in Glass" workshops. With the guidance from an experienced gardener and plant enthusiast, everyone will be able to create their small forest or garden in a jar to be taken home. In addition, crosswords, windbreakers, coloring books, and a wheel of fortune will be waiting for children.
Our participation in the Harvest Festival in Swołowo will be yet another opportunity to meet the local region citizens of the region, with whom we have been in direct and constant continuous contact during regular information meetings on the Baltic Sea projects or through our presence at events important for local communities.
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