Equinor and Polenergia once again took part in the Łeba Festival

Hundreds of Łeba residents and tourists from all over Poland visited the stand of Equinor and Polenergia during the Łeba Festival. Visitors could learn more about offshore wind energy and take advantage of numerous attractions prepared by investors of offshore wind farms Bałtyk. Together with the residents, representatives of the companies marched through the streets of the city in the march of the Duchy of Łeba.

During the three days of celebration of the 667th anniversary of granting city rights to Łeba, there was plenty of sunshine, holiday atmosphere, and numerous guests visiting the company stand of Equinor and Polenergia, investors who jointly implement offshore wind farm projects at the height of Łeba. In the port, on the site of the former shipyard, Equinor will build a service base to service them. Here, in Łeba, a wind farm control and servicing center, a spare parts warehouse, office rooms and a quay for mooring vessels will be built. About 100 specialists will find long-term employment in the service base, responsible for the technical maintenance  of equipment and infrastructure at sea, as well as for supporting their operation from land.  In addition to new jobs, the investment will create an opportunity for the development of the region and local companies. 

- Our investments in offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea mean that we will be present in Łeba for decades to come, which is why we are happy to engage in local initiatives. It is here that the service base for our Bałtyk 2 and 3 projects is being created, the first and only Information Centre in Poland dedicated to offshore wind farms is also located, as well as the Łebski Sailing Club, with which we cooperate by supporting maritime sport among children and young people. Therefore, we could not miss the annual Days of Łeba. The largest Łeba Festival is not only an opportunity for us to promote our company and our business, but above all a chance to establish new relationships with the residents. Thanks to this, we can better understand their needs and expectations. We are proud of our involvement in the Days of Łeba and we believe that our presence has contributed to their success. We would like to thank the residents of Łeba for their warm welcome and assure them that we will continue our activities for the benefit of the local community -  emphasizes Michał Jerzy Kołodziejczyk, President of the Management Board of Equinor in Poland, who, together with other employees of Equinor and Polenergia, participated in the march of the Duchy of Łeba.

This year, Equinor and Polenergia prepared demonstrations and training in first aid for residents and tourists. Paramedics demonstrated how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation for adults, children, and infants, and how to act in the event of choking, hemorrhage, or other emergencies.  The second attraction, which was very popular, was also a bicycle, with the help of which visitors could prepare a healthy and tasty fruit drink with the strength of their muscles. There were also competitions with prizes, a wheel of fortune, and for the youngest – coloring books, wind puzzles, and workshops on building models of wind turbines. At the stand, you could meet representatives of the Łeba Sailing Club (ŁSC), which Equinor supports as part of its Heroes of Tomorrow program. ŁSC conducted a demonstration training of sailing skills on Lake Sarbsko and participated together with Equinor in a ceremonial march through the streets of Łeba.

As always, representatives of Equinor and Polenergia have prepared a package of information on the dynamically developing offshore wind energy industry and the Baltic projects implemented by the companies. Many visitors were interested in the benefits of the investment for the region, the technical details, the construction schedule, and career prospects in the offshore wind industry.

- More and more residents recognize us and we feel more and more at home in Łeba. We have been cooperating with the local government for years, organizing information meetings for residents and being present at events important to them. We are very happy that once again we could be part of the celebrations of the jubilee of granting city rights to Łeba and celebrate this important day together with residents and tourists. And this annual event, which is the Days of Łeba, allows us to share our vision of a sustainable energy future. - said Marta Porzuczek, Director of the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Department at Polenergia Group.

On the main street in Łeba, there is the Baltic Offshore Wind Farm Information Centre, which is the first year-round information and education point on offshore wind energy. Equinor and Polenergia are jointly developing three offshore wind farm projects Bałtyk 1, Bałtyk 2, and Bałtyk 3, with a total capacity of up to 3 GW, which will supply over 4 million households with renewable energy. The farms will be located at the height of Łeba, at a distance of 22 to approx. 80 km from the coastline.

22 Jul 2024

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