Offshore wind farms Bałtyk with new visual identification and website

Equinor and Polenergia have launched a new visual identification of the Bałtyk projects. Offshore wind farms also have a new website common to all three projects:

The construction and launch of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea are getting closer. To keep you informed about our progress, we are introducing a new visual identification and a common website for all three projects. We believe that the key to the success of any investment is a dialogue, and we want to actively conduct it. With the inhabitants of Pomerania, our investors and suppliers, the local administration, but also with future employees of Bałtyk projects. The new website and graphic design are important tools for us, thanks to which we will reach all people interested in our offshore projects even faster and more effectively – says Jerzy Zań, President of the Management Board of Polenergia S.A.

The new branding is inspired by colors from nature. The colors of materials used for communication of the Bałtyk projects will depend on the content and recipients of a given message. Business materials will be marked in different colors, while those relating to the energy market or contact with stakeholders will be different.

The new project website ( contains comprehensive information about offshore wind farms developed by Equinor and Polenergia. The website includes, among others: maps showing the location of Bałtyk projects, investment schedule and tabs dedicated to suppliers, local communities, and environmental protection activities.

By implementing Bałtyk offshore wind farm projects, we contribute to the construction of modern and green energy in Poland. We use extensive experience and modern technological solutions, developed in harmony with nature and its resources. Inspired by it, we introduce a new visualization of our three wind farms. The new visual setting of Bałtyk projects is a communication tool that allows us to provide information about projects and supports dialogue with our stakeholders – says Michał Jerzy Kołodziejczyk, President of the Management Board of Equinor in Poland.

Work on the construction and commissioning of the Equinor and Polenergia offshore wind farms is already very advanced. The Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 projects have already contracted suppliers of the most important components - offshore wind turbines, electrical system infrastructure, and internal and export cables. This year, the construction of a service base in Łeba will also start, which will service all three investments.

Equinor and Polenergia have also applied for an environmental decision for the connection infrastructure of the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm, with a capacity of up to 1,560 MW. The Bałtyk 1 project is the largest wind farm being developed in the Baltic Sea, which investors are preparing to participate in the auction in 2025.

25 Apr 2024

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