ERM Poland supports the process of obtaining environmental decision for the MFW Bałtyk I

The company implementing the MFW Bałtyk I signed an agreement with the Polish branch of ERM, which is the world's largest consulting company working in the field of sustainable development. The agreement concerns cooperation in the field of environmental and social consulting.

ERM Group is a leading global advisor on environmental, safety, risk, health, social and sustainable development issues. ERM has extensive experience in preparing permit applications for investments throughout the European Union - including offshore projects. ERM's Warsaw office, established in 1993, supported by international experts, will provide in-depth technical knowledge related to environmental impact assessments and sustainable management methods.

The choice of an experienced partner in the form of the ERM Group, with comprehensive and practical knowledge gained in the execution of numerous sustainable investments around the world, is in line with the assumptions of the implementation of the offshore wind farm project MFW Bałtyk I, in which care for environmental needs, concern for the security of supply of green energy and the fight against climate change, as well as good neighbourly relations and dialogue with stakeholders, occupy a central position.

15 Dec 2021

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