In Swołowo about the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm 

Equinor and Polenergia have started a series of information meetings with the local community about the largest energy project in the Baltic Sea. Discussions with the residents of the Redzikowo municipality were held, among others on the route of the onshore connection infrastructure for the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm.

The meeting took place in the Farm of Creative Initiatives in Swołowo, in the Redzikowo municipality, and is one of the forms of dialogue with residents, which in the case of more advanced offshore wind farm projects - Bałtyk 2 & 3 - Equinor and Polenergia have been running together for several years. Regular conversations on the local forum with representatives of the region's community allow us to present the current progress of work in the implemented projects on an ongoing basis. 

The meeting in Swołowo is the beginning of a series of consultations with the inhabitants of the region, during which Equinor and Polenergia will present the Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm project. Representatives of the companies presented detailed information on the planned project, the investment schedule, as well as the route of the onshore connection infrastructure, which is an integral part of the offshore wind farm. Especially the latter matter aroused great interest among the invited participants. They asked detailed questions and submitted comments, to which they received comprehensive answers.   

The Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm, with a target capacity of up to 1560 MW, is the most advanced project of the so-called second phase of offshore wind energy development in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. It is one of three projects carried out jointly by Equinor and Polenergia. Together with the Baltic 2 and Baltic 3 projects with a total capacity of 1440 MW, it will produce renewable energy for over 4 million households. 

The Bałtyk 1 farm will be located approximately 80 km from the coastline, near Łeba. Electricity will flow from it via cables to the shore to the connection point at the Krzemienica Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne station under construction in the Redzikowo commune. The onshore corridor of connection infrastructure, approximately 18 km long, will run underground through the municipalities of Ustka and Redzikowo so as not to interfere with the tourist and landscape values of these areas. 

The onshore part of the project will be located within the boundaries of the corridor running through the rural commune of Ustka (within: Lędowo, Duninowo, Duninowo PGR, and Starkowo) and the municipality of Redzikowo (within: Bruskowo Leśnictwo, Swołowo, Gać, Krzemienica). 

The Bałtyk 1 offshore wind farm already has the required contracts and location permits. Investors are currently waiting for environmental decisions from the Regional Director for Environmental Protection for the farm and for the connection infrastructure. 

The submission of applications to the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Gdańsk was preceded by over a year of research into the marine and terrestrial environment. As part of the wildlife inventory, the research covered protected and valuable elements of the environment, natural habitats, plant communities, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, land, and aquatic mammals. 

Equinor and Polenergia are planning further meetings with the inhabitants of the region on the Baltic 1 project. 

19 Apr 2024

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