Invitation to Supplier Workshops - online
Supplier Workshops organized by MFW Bałtyk II Sp. z o.o. and MFW Bałtyk III Sp. z o.o.
The Joint Venture Partners (Equinor and Polenergia) would like to continue the dialogue with the supply chain companies to explain their needs and to understand the suppliers’ capabilities.
The dialogue, which is organized in a form of online workshops, is an opportunity to familiarize Tier 1 suppliers with the supply chain and to communicate their requirements.
The dialogue will be organized in 2 steps in following workshop groups:
- Wind Turbines – 21.10.2020
- Foundations – 22-23.10.2020
- Electrical systems including onshore substation – 27.10.2020
- Offshore substation – 28-29.10.2020
The dialogue will be held in English.
Please respond to the invitation before the 14th of October 2020. When submitting your application, follow the guidelines described in the “Announcement".