Rulebook “Submit a grievance”

The Rulebook sets out the terms and conditions for submitting complaints and grievances via the "Submit a grievance" form available on the website. The form is intended to provide a tool of contact with local communities in connection with the construction and operation of offshore wind farms with accompanying power infrastructure (Projects Bałtyk 1, Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 – hereinafter referred to as Investor – within the meaning of MFW Bałtyk I S.A., MFW Bałtyk II Sp.z o.o., MFW Bałtyk III Sp. z o.o.).

1. Purpose of the form

1.1. The purpose of the form is to:

  • provide the local communities with the opportunity to express their voice and protect their interests against potential threats resulting from the Investor's activities,
  • provide tools to deal with possible complaints and grievances in an easily accessible, fair, effective, and timely manner,
  • enable systematic monitoring of the impact of Projects,
  • enable the Investor to react quickly to any potential threats to the environment and health of residents,
  • ensure the possibility of easy settlement of any disputes and conflicts between the Investor or its subcontractors and the local community, which may contribute to their harmonious coexistence.

1.2. The form is applicable at all stages of the investment.

1.3. The form is one of the tools for controlling and regulating the Investor's activities, including the identification of violations of norms and regulations, by enabling residents to actively participate in the process of monitoring and reporting possible violations, including any damage, injury, and fear. Grievance submitted using this form helps to monitor the state of environmental protection and the safety of life and health of residents.

1.4. The form allows residents and entities affected by the implementation of the Projects to report concerns in an official and transparent manner, which positively affects the speed of intervening on these complaints and introducing corrective actions.

1.5. The grievance process is a joint effort between the local communities and the Projects, which aims to apply remedial measures that meet the standards of respect for the environment and safety of residents with whom the Projects are neighboring. Clear communication, cooperation, and accountability are key to effective and successful cooperation.

2. Grievance

2.1. Any person affected by an activity related to the projects carried out by the Investor referred to above may submit a complaint (hereinafter: the Applicant).

2.2. The Applicant may be the initiator of the complaint or a representative of a relevant group, organization, or institution.

2.3. In the case of representation of a relevant group, organization, or institution, the Applicant may be asked to submit a mandate to represent them.

2.4. The Applicant is obliged to provide truthful information and to express his/her dissatisfaction in a manner consistent with the principles of ethics and culture of dialogue.

2.5. Vulgar, offensive, or inappropriate content of the complaint may lead to rejection of the application.

2.6. The Applicant may choose one of three forms of contact, such as telephone number, e-mail address, or traditional mail address. The Applicant is responsible for providing true and up-to-date contact details.

2.7. The Applicant agrees to comply with the Rulebook and accepts the conditions contained in this document. The lack of acceptance of the Rulebook makes it impossible to submit an application.

2.8. The Applicant shall bear full responsibility for the content and form of the application.

3. Rules for submitting a grievance

3.1. Complaints and grievances may relate to damage, injury, or concerns related to the activities carried out by the Investor or its subcontractors in connection with the above-described projects for the construction and operation of offshore wind farms or observed incidents or violations.

3.2. The complaint should contain a detailed description of the incident or problem that occurred, including the date, place, and description of the identified problems. The Applicant should describe precisely and clearly how the impacts of neighboring Projects have a negative impact on the environment, health, or quality of life of residents.

3.3. If the Applicant has evidence, such as photographs, recordings, or documents to support the reported problems, the Applicant should attach them to his/her report. It will give the Investor a better understanding of the case.

3.4. Any documentary or photographic evidence attached to the complaint should be legible and provided in a form that allows it to be analyzed and verified.

3.5. The inclusion of an attachment is voluntary and may supplement the submitted grievance.

3.6. The Applicant may submit a grievance anonymously, but information that allows contacting the Applicant is essential for the effective handling and response to the complaint. The investor may have limited possibilities to take action due to the lack of additional communication with the Applicant. In this case, information about corrective actions will be available on the website.

3..7. There is no charge for submitting a grievance.

4. Grievance process

4.1. A grievance submitted will be subject to a thorough and objective review process.

4.2. Proceeding a grievance consists of the following steps:

  • Application: Submission of the completed form (a detailed description of submitting the form can be found in point 6.3 of the Rulebook).
  • Registration: The Investor will confirm receipt of the application to the Applicant.
  • Consideration process: The process varies depending on the type of grievance, the initial assessment, and the complexity of the case.
  • Result: The Investor will reply to the Applicant within 25 working days from the date of receipt of the grievance, depending on its nature.
  • Follow-up and monitoring: The Investor implements the mitigation actions included in the response.

4.3. The Investor will gather all available information, carry out the necessary studies and consultations, and assess the potential negative environmental and community impacts of the Project. The final decision aims to support the coexistence of the Projects with the natural environment and the local community.

5. Response to a grievance

5.1. The Applicant will be kept informed of the progress of the grievance-handling process and of the action planned in response to the reported problems.

5.2. Once the review process is complete, the Applicant will be informed of the outcome of the complaint.

5.3. If the assessment of the complaint on the basis of the data provided in the notification is insufficient or ambiguous, the Investor may ask the Applicant to provide additional information, explanations, or materials.

5.4. The Applicant will be informed of the results in writing, depending on the method of communication chosen, via e-mail or traditional mail.

5.5. If negative side effects are found, the Investor will take action to minimize them.

5.6. If violations of regulations or standards are confirmed, appropriate corrective measures will be taken.

5.7. The Investor reserves the right to reject applications that do not meet the rules of the Regulations or violate any of its provisions.

6. Appeals to the examination of a complaint

6.1. In case of dissatisfaction with the way the complaint has been dealt with, the Applicant has the right to submit a written appeal within 30 days of delivery of the reply to the Applicant.

6.2. The complaint should contain an appropriate justification for the appeal and additional evidence or information that may affect the outcome of the case.

6.3. Failure to submit an appeal within the time limit referred to in point 6.1 means that the Applicant accepts a response to the submitted grievance and therefore the Investor considers the case closed.

7. Availability and contact

7.1. Contact details of the Applicant, such as name, surname, and one of the three types of data enabling various forms of communication, i.e. telephone number, e-mail address, or traditional mail address, should be included in the grievance in order to enable further communication during the examination of the complaint.

7.2. The electronic form is not the only way to report grievances. The grievance may be submitted by completing the parallel paper form and submitted in person in dedicated boxes located at the construction office in Pęplino, at the construction office in Lędowo-Osiedle, and "Bałtyk" Local Information Point in Łeba at 88 Kościuszki Street.

7.3. The Investor reserves the right to contact the Applicant at various stages of the complaint analysis process. This may include acknowledging receipt of the report, requesting that the content be supplemented or corrected, and informing about the results of the analysis and handling of the grievance.

7.4. Depending on the preferred form of contact, the Applicant is asked to regularly check his/her e-mail box and any SMS or phone messages, so as not to miss important information from the Investor. The Investor shall not be liable for any consequences resulting from the lack of access or failure to read the messages provided in a timely manner by the Applicant.

7.5. In the absence of the Applicant's response to supplements or corrections to the content of the complaint within 21 days, the Investor has the right to reject it without taking further action.

7.6. The Investor guarantees that the contact details of the Applicant will not be shared with third parties or used for purposes unrelated to the grievance.

7.7. By submitting a grievance and choosing your preferred form of contact, you agree to receive phone calls, emails, or letters related to the assessment process or remedial measures.

7.8. Providing up-to-date and correct contact details is crucial for effective communication between the Investor and the Applicant. In the event of a change in contact details, the Applicant should immediately inform the Investor in order to update the information.

8. Protection of personal data

8.1. All personal data provided in the application will be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data and confidentiality of information.

8.2. All personal data provided will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws.

8.3. The Applicant consents to the processing of his/her personal data for the purpose of carrying out the assessment process and possible contact regarding the complaint.

8.4. The Applicant's personal data will not be available to the public or to third parties without the express consent of the Applicant unless required by law or institutions acting on the basis of these provisions.

9. Final provisions

9.1. The Investor reserves the right to change the Rulebook at any times and will inform about the changes via the website.

9.2. The Rulebook will be effective from the date of publication on the website.

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