The construction of the onshore part of the offshore wind farms will begin soon. Investors invite residents to an information meeting

Construction of the onshore part of the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farms will start later this year. The investors - Equinor and Polenergia - invite the residents of the region to a meeting in Duninowo, during which they will present a detailed plan and scope of work.  

The meeting will take place on September 25 this year in the common room in Duninowo in the Ustka municipality (Duninowo 27) from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The hosts will be Equinor and Polenergia, which jointly implement the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farm projects with a total capacity of approx. 1440 MW. They will allow to supply green energy to over 2 million households, and thus strengthen the energy security of Poles.

During the meeting, representatives of the companies will talk about the current work progress related to implementing the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 projects. The investments are an important part of the ongoing energy transition in Poland, which is expected to build up to 18 GW of capacity in Polish maritime areas by 2040.

The investors already have a set of permits and are currently carrying out preparatory works related to the construction of the onshore substation and the access road leading to it. During the meeting, representatives of investors will also present the scope of works planned for the fourth quarter of this year, as well as answer questions from the guests and listen to their opinions and comments on the planned investments.

This is another meeting with the residents of the Słupsk region on the Bałtyk offshore wind farms. Investors regularly talk to representatives of local communities to keep them updated on the progress of work on their projects. Previous meetings with residents took place in Ustka and Bruskowo Wielkie, as well as Łeba.

Equinor and Polenergia are in constant contact with the inhabitants of the regions where they operate, i.e. thanks to the Bałtyk Offshore Wind Farm Information Centre in Łeba. It is the first stationary, year-round information point with comprehensive information on the construction and development of offshore wind farms in Poland and investments carried out by Equinor and Polenergia. The companies are also present at the major events in the municipalities of Ustka and Redzikowo, as well as conduct educational activities for children and young people from primary schools in the Słupsk region.

The Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 offshore wind farms will be located respectively: 37 and 22 kilometers from the coastline. The electricity they will produce will flow by cables through the villages of Pęplino, Lędowo and Duninowo in the Ustka Municipality and Bruskowo Wielkie, Bruskowo Małe and Wielichowo in the Słupsk Municipality, to the Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne substation in Wierzbięcin. The onshore corridor of the connection infrastructure, approx. 14 km long, will run underground to preserve the tourist and landscape values of the area.  The first energy from the Bałtyk 2 and Bałtyk 3 projects will flow to the grid as early as 2027. The commercial stage of their use is planned for 2028. 

23 Sep 2024

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