Work on the third project of Equinor and Polenergia is picking up speed. Exploration of the sea bottom for the Bałtyk I wind farm is underway
In the area of the Bałtyk I offshore wind farm planned by Equinor and Polenergia, offshore bottom research is underway. Activities at a distance of 80 kilometers from the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea are carried out by the crew of the Dina Polaris ship. The works are preceded by the design and then construction of the elements of the offshore farm planned in this place.
– In the spring, we successfully completed wind and sea wave intensity studies for the Baltic I project. The recently launched geotechnical campaign is another milestone on the way to the implementation of this investment. Based on the data on the seabed structure obtained during the research, we will create a feasibility study and pre-design the system of turbines and an offshore power station as part of our largest wind farm in the Baltic Sea – explains Eirik Strøm Uthaug, Director of the Baltic I Project.
The Bałtyk I offshore wind farm is one of three flagship projects implemented in partnership with Equinor and Polenergia. After commissioning, it will be one of the largest wind farms in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea, reaching a capacity of 1560 MW. Together with the previously built Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III projects – with a total capacity of 1440 MW – the farms will produce renewable and affordable energy for over 4 million Polish households.
– The three Baltic wind farms that we are developing in the Polish economic zone are a significant contribution to the Polish energy transformation. Decades of experience and capital allow us to implement them according to the assumed schedule, despite the current macroeconomic challenges. The first energy from the Baltic II and Baltic III projects will flow already in 2027. In turn, Bałtyk I – already having a permit to connect to the grid – is the most advanced project of the so-called second phase, which we are preparing for auctions for offshore wind farms in 2025 – says Michał Jerzy Kołodziejczyk, President of Equinor in Poland.
Preparation of a project to participate in an auction for obtaining support (Contract-for-Difference) requires a number of comprehensive analyses, including ongoing geotechnical studies of an exploratory nature. It will be led by Geoquip Marine, a company specializing in marine geotechnical surveys around the world, which has carried out similar work on the Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III offshore wind farm projects.
– The research is completely safe for the natural environment. We run them away from the coastline - about 80 kilometers from the coast of Poland and about 90 kilometers from the coast of Sweden. This is the area of a special economic zone, where the Bałtyk I offshore wind farm is planned on an area of approx. 130 square kilometers. The assumptions of this investment and the development of the Bałtyk II and III projects are the subject of regular meetings with residents of coastal towns organized by us – says Marta Porzuczek, Director of the Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Department at Polenergia Group.
Offshore exploration, which began in mid-August, immediately after the signing of the agreement with Geoquip Marine, will be completed in the second half of October. During this period, the company will obtain the necessary geological data to better understand the seabed conditions at the place where Baltic I will be located.
This data will play a key role in identifying optimal locations for wind turbines and will allow us to improve initial foundation assumptions. Soil and rock samples taken during the sea operation will then be subjected to laboratory analysis by Rina Consulting.
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