The development of offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea is a great opportunity for Polish companies to get involved in the supply chain. Would you like your company to take part in this great project?

Reserve your time and come to the meeting for potential suppliers and subcontractors, which will be held on 11 January 2023 at 9.00 a.m. at the Gdansk Business Incubator STARTER, 3b Lęborska Street.


09.00-10.00 Registration & coffee
10.00-10.15 Opening
10.15-10.30 Equinor & Polenergia’s MFW Bałtyk II & III projects presentation;
10.30- 11.30 SGRE’s presentation;
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-14.00 Break-out sessions
14.00-14.45 Short Lunch break
14.45-15.15 Innovation & Competence
15.15-15.45 Local Content Strategy & General Procurement Rules
15.45-16.00 Summary & Closing

At the meeting the following will be discussed, among others:

  • the investment schedule
  • innovations and competencies sought
  • standards and requirements for suppliers
  • business potential for development in the offshore industry

In special thematic sessions, Siemens Gamesa experts will talk individually with suppliers about specific purchasing packages:

  • Rotor blades (finished propeller and its components)
  • Electrical systems
  • Nacelle - mechanical and hydraulic systems (bearings, lubricants, hydraulics, brakes, winches, motors)
  • Hub - structural components (castings, forgings, large/small steel parts, structural connectors, magnets, composites)
  • Associated services and maintenance (cranes, installation, logistics, storage, port services)
  • Tower (finished towers and fittings (steel, frames, flanges, fabrication)

You can find the link to register here: Application Form_WTG Supplier Day

The meeting is organised by Equinor, Polenergia and Siemens Gamesa, preferred wind turbine supplier for the offshore wind farm projects MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III.

02 Dec 2022

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