Onshore cables

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Bałtyk 2 & 3

The onshore connection infrastructure corridor, with a total length of about 14 km, will run through the municipalities of Ustka and Slupsk in the Slupsk district of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The section between the landfall and the onshore substation is planned to use two 220-245 kV cable lines, and the section between the onshore substation and the point of connection with the National Power System is planned to use one 400 kV cable line. Prior to construction, site surveys and environmental work are carried out to plan the installation and minimize the impact on the surrounding area.

During installation, a cable corridor is used, which includes a cable trench, spool storage and an access road. There are a number of local services used before and during cable installation. These include tire cleaning of trucks leaving the construction site, road cleaning, traffic management, signage and temporary bridges over rivers and ditches. At least one construction site will be established along the cable route. The site will provide equipment storage, vehicle parking and welfare facilities for workers. Typically, it is 100 meters by 100 meters in size.

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Tier-1 supplier

Q1, 2024


Bałtyk 2 & 3

More information soon..

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Tier-1 supplier

Q1, 2024


Bałtyk 2 & 3

The production of onshore export cables is a complex process, crucial to the performance of offshore wind farms. Today's cables are the result of advanced technology and innovation, providing high conductivity and durability. The manufacturing process begins with the selection of suitable materials that make up the conductive core. The cable insulation, usually made of synthetic materials, must be resistant to weather and mechanical damage. Each stage of production is closely monitored to ensure quality and compliance with safety standards. After production, the cables are tested for strength, conductivity and insulation. The final product must meet strict industry standards, guaranteeing reliability and long service life. Onshore export cable manufacturing is critical to the success of offshore wind farms, ensuring a steady and efficient flow of energy.

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Tier-1 supplier

Q1, 2024


Bałtyk 2 & 3

Onshore export cables are an essential part of the transmission system of offshore wind farms, enabling the transportation of generated energy from the "landfall" point to major distribution points in the national power grid. Installation of these cables requires careful planning and coordination to ensure their efficiency and safety. Before installation begins, field surveys are conducted to determine the most optimal route for the cables. This is followed by field works, during which the cables are laid and buried at the appropriate depth, protecting them from mechanical damage and weathering. Specialized equipment and technology are used to lay the cables, ensuring precise laying and minimizing disruption to the local community and environment. During installation, technical parameters of the cables, such as resistance or capacitance, are also monitored to ensure proper operation. Once the installation is complete, functional tests are conducted to confirm that the connections are correct and the system is ready to transmit energy. The entire process of installing export cables onshore is crucial to ensuring the reliability and performance of offshore wind farms, representing an important step in their supply chain.

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