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Bałtyk 2 & 3

The landfall will be located about 3 km west of Ustka and about 400 m east of the SwePol Link cable landfall. The landfall will be made using a trenchless method, i.e., horizontal guided drilling (HDD) or microtunneling so as not to disturb the strip of dunes that are part of the coastal strip.

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Tier-1 supplier



Bałtyk 2 & 3

Contact with the supplier


Tier-1 supplier

Q1, 2024


Bałtyk 2 & 3

"Landfall" refers to the point at which submarine power cables from an offshore wind farm reach land, connecting to the onshore energy infrastructure. This is a key step in the process of delivering energy from offshore wind turbines to the national power grid. Choosing the right location for the landfall requires careful geological and environmental studies to ensure a safe and efficient connection. The cables are buried under the seabed, protecting them from damage and minimizing the impact on the marine environment. The process requires specialized equipment and advanced technology. On land, the cables are further buried to ensure their protection from the external factors. The landfall site is often equipped with special equipment to monitor and control the quality of the transmitted energy. All Landfall works must be carried out with due regard to local environmental regulations and standards. The ultimate goal of the work is to ensure the uninterrupted and safe transmission of energy from the offshore wind farm to consumers on land.

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