Offshore Wind Poland Conference 2022

How to make the most of Poland's Baltic potential? Is the construction of wind farms still profitable? What are the biggest challenges in building a supply chain in Poland? Already on 16-17 November, representatives of Polenergia and Equinor will participate in the Offshore Wind Poland conference in Warsaw. It will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the joint venture of the two companies, i.e. the most advanced wind farm projects implemented in the Polish Baltic Sea.

On the first day, Michał Kołodziejczyk, CEO of Equinor Poland, will take part in the opening panel of the conference: "How to use the potential of the Polish maritime areas and stimulate the development of offshore wind energy in Poland?" (10:00 - 11:30 ).

Moreover, Maciej Stryjecki, Director for Offshore Wind Energy at Polenergia Group, will chair the second day's panel: "Economics of Phase I offshore wind projects in Poland" (11:00-12:00) .

On the second day, we also invite you to the panel 'Local content - supply chain challenges' with Paweł Mawduk, Offshore Wind Project Manager at Polenergia (12:30-13:30).

Equinor is the strategic partner of the conference and Polenergia is the partner of the panel "Economics of Phase I offshore wind projects in Poland".

15 Nov 2022

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