Polenergia and Equinor sign Sectoral Agreement to develop offshore wind energy in Poland

This is the second Sectoral Agreement in the world concluded between representatives of government administration, investors, entrepreneurs interested in creating a local supply chain, scientific and research units and other industry entities. The signing ceremony was hosted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

"The signing of the Sectoral Agreement is the culmination of several months of dialogue on joint activities for the development of offshore wind in Poland and another step towards the successful implementation of the energy transition based on renewable energy sources. Poland is one of Equinor's strategic development markets in the area of renewable energy sources and we are happy to actively participate in such important initiatives, sharing our experience with countries facing similar challenges.” - states Michał Kołodziejczyk, Equinor country manager in Poland.

The aim of the Sectoral Agreement is to maximise the participation of local content in the supply chain in the process of offshore wind farm construction in the Baltic Sea. The Parties to the Agreement recognized offshore wind energy as an economically competitive technology which creates a civilizational opportunity for society and is a key element of Poland's economic transformation.

"For a decade Polenergia has been an active promoter of offshore wind energy in Poland and one of the leaders of the domestic market. We have been involved in the preparation of the Sectoral Agreement from the beginning - as one of the initiators and leaders of the Stakeholder Cooperation Working Group. The good energy, which everyone is feeling today, will allow for smooth and full implementation of the Agreement's provisions, which will translate into significant acceleration of offshore wind farm project development. All signatories are aware that the earlier and the more fully the Polish offshore wind energy sector is developed, the faster and at a lower cost it will be possible to integrate new, large, stable and non-emitting sources of energy into the Polish power system. And this is in the interest not only of Polenergia, but the entire country.” - emphasizes Maciej Stryjecki, Director of Offshore Wind Farms Department at Polenergia Group.

Signing of the Sectoral Agreement was preceded by more than a year of cooperation of the industry entities, which in six areas of competence worked out assumptions for further development of offshore wind energy in Poland. These areas are reflected in the adopted strategic objectives and include assumptions for human resources development and education system, R&D, development of Polish industry and participation of Polish enterprises, port logistics and impact on coastal regions, public education and stakeholder cooperation.

16 Sep 2021

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