Rulebook"Register in the Supplier Database"

The Rulebook defines the terms and conditions for reporting interest in establishing cooperation via the "Register in the Supplier Database" form available on the website. Potential suppliers of materials and services used in the construction and operation of offshore wind farms, including devices used to derive power from these installations, may apply via the form. (MFW Bałtyk I S.A., MFW Bałtyk II Sp. z o.o., MFW Bałtyk III Sp. z o.o. – hereinafter jointly referred to as the Investor).

1. Purpose of the form

1.1. The purpose of the form is to collect information enabling the analysis of potential suppliers or business partners.

1.2. Completing the form, understood as providing data in the form of such as company name, correspondence address, number of employees, annual income, countries to which products were delivered, and countries where production plants are located, is voluntary.

1.3. Completing the form by the supplier does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the law.

2. Rules for completing the form

2.1. The form may be completed by any entity (individual, legal person, organizational unit) that provides materials or services in the field of the supply chain of materials and services used in the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm, including a set of devices used to derive power from this farm (hereinafter: the Applicant).

2.2. The Investor reserves the right to analyze the submitted forms.

2.3. The Applicant is responsible for providing true and up-to-date contact details, such as an e-mail address. The Investor will use this data to communicate with the Applicant.

2.4. The Applicant shall undertake to present the information in a truthful manner.

2.5. Completing the form is free of charge.

2.6. The Applicant bears full responsibility for the content and form of the application.

3. Potential evaluation criteria

3.1. The Investor reserves the right to use the information contained in the database:

  • Compliance with regulations and standards – The Applicant should act in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards applicable in the energy sector.
  • Safety, Health and Environment (HSE) – The Applicant should give priority to HSE issues.
  • Ethics and compliance – The Applicant should act in an ethical manner, avoid conflicts of interest, and adhere to the principles of integrity in connection with the conducted business.
  • Sustainability – The Applicant should strive for sustainable development, taking into account social, environmental, and economic aspects.
  • High quality of products and services – The Applicant should offer high quality, reliability, and efficiency of the products and services offered.
  • Adaptation to the needs of the project – The Applicant should be ready to adapt their offers and solutions to the individual needs and requirements of a specific project.
  • Availability and support – The Applicant, as part of the services provided and the products supplied, should offer appropriate technical support and availability in the event of failures or problems.
  • Affordability – The Applicant should offer fair and competitive prices, in accordance with market standards.
  • Communication – The Applicant should be effective in communication, in particular in providing clear information on projects and services.
  • Meeting standards in the field of ethics and anti-corruption – the Applicant shall undertake to respect human rights and observe these principles among its subcontractors.

3.2. Additional elements

  • Industry experience – The Applicant should have relevant experience and knowledge related to the energy or industrial sector.
  • Care for social activities – The Applicant should engage in social activities and be responsible towards local communities.

3.3. The information contained in the database may be the basis for inviting the Applicant to the Integrity Due Diligence (IDD) process of the potential supplier. The IDD process involves gathering information that helps the Investor understand who the contractors are, their values, and how they do their business. In some cases, IDD may also involve the processing of personal data. Personal data processed for this purpose may include contact details and necessary information about IDD, such as position, possible political position and roles, possible sanctions lists, personal relationships, contracts, relevant membership, references, legal claims, and reputation issues. The legal basis is compliance with legal obligations, the pursuit of our legitimate interests, and the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

4. Procedure after submitting the form

4.1. The Investor reserves the right to contact the Applicant in order to discuss the details and possible further cooperation process.

4.2. The procedure of potential cooperation will be carried out in accordance with the principle of maintaining fair competition and equal treatment of potential suppliers and solutions offered by them.

4.3. The Investor reserves the right to evaluate applications and allow selected Applicants to cooperate on the basis of the analysis of the submitted application forms.

5. Rights and obligations

5.1. The Applicant shall have the right to access to the information provided in the form.

5.2. The Investor undertakes to treat the Applicants' data in accordance with the provisions of Polish and EU law and to maintain the confidentiality of information.

6. Protection of personal data

6.1. By completing the form, the Applicant agrees to further communication aimed at obtaining additional information regarding the Applicant.

6.2. The Applicant consents to the processing of his/her personal data by the Investor. Detailed information on the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy.

6.3. The Investor reserves the right to provide data from the form for consultation with third parties that have been thoroughly checked and cooperate with the Investor as part of the supplier assessment procedure.

7. Contact

7.1. The Investor reserves the right to contact the Applicant for additional information.

7.2. The Investor is not obliged to contact the Applicant and has the right not to react to the submitted form without any justification.

7.3. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Investor using the details provided in the footer of the Contact page.

8. Final provisions

8.1. Lack of acceptance of the Rulebook is tantamount to the inability to complete the form and express the will to cooperate.

8.2. Any disputes arising from the Rulebook will be resolved in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish law.

8.3. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will be published on our website ( and will be effective from the date of publication.

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